

To generate Controllers with Actions, View files and Route definitions, simply provide a controller name, and pass action names as extra arguments to the controller command :

bob controller [args] <controller_name> [actions ...]
Note : You can use the shortcut bob c instead of bob controller to save characters.

Bob generates non-RESTful actions by default, to indicate a restful action, simply prefix the action name with a HTTP verb and a colon. For example post:aform.

Any non-prefixed actions on controllers with RESTful actions will be prefixed with get_.

To enable RESTful actions without specifying a verb, use the switch --restful.


--blade Generate view files with the Blade extension (.blade.php).

--restful Force RESTful controller actions.


bob c mycontroller first second third

produces :


class Mycontroller_Controller extends Base_Controller {

	public function action_index()
		// code here..

		return View::make('mycontroller.index');

	public function action_first()
		// code here..

		return View::make('mycontroller.first');

	public function action_second()
		// code here..

		return View::make('mycontroller.second');

	public function action_third()
		// code here..

		return View::make('mycontroller.third');


with the following view created for each action :


<p>This view has been auto-generated to accompany the Mycontroller_Controller's action_second()</p>

with the following route definition in the appropriate routes.php :
