

You can send commands to bob, using Laravel’s Artisan tool with the following syntax :

php artisan bob::build <generator> [args] [options]

However, I would recommend adding the following alias to your shell profile (.bashrc .zshrc .bash_profile .profile) :

alias bob="php artisan bob::build"

and now you can invoke Bob in a more elegant format :

bob <generator> [args] [options]

All examples within the documentation will use the shortened aliased version for clarity.

Nested Folders

Almost all resources can be created within nested folders, when specifying the resource name, simply use periods (.) to mark a folder seperator.

For example bob controller will create application/controllers/this/is/my/controller.php.

Generation In Bundles

Most resources can be generated for bundles, by prefixing bundlename:: to the resource name.